Many avid motorists in Brisbane have ambitions to save their cash and buy a prestigious sports car, but buying such a vehicle brand new can be costly. Of course, you might think that purchasing an expensive car is a worthwhile investment, but if you don’t have enough cash to buy a new model straight from the factory, you might be interested in saving money by purchasing a used vehicle. Because cars depreciate quickly, you can save thousands by opting for a car that’s one or two years old, but you need to ensure there are no issues that could be expensive to put right.

Unfortunately, even though many of us adore cars, most of us don’t have the required skills for thorough pre sale testing, and countless people have made the mistake of buying a vehicle that wasn’t worth its asking price. Fortunately, if you want to secure peace of mind about the car you’re purchasing, you can pay for professional pre sale testing. While you might think such an inspection only adds to the cost of buying a vehicle, it could save you thousands of dollars in the long run and help you decide whether the car is as valuable as the seller claims.

At Brisbane Mobile Roadworthy Pre-Inspections & valuations, we can conduct an 85-point inspection to ensure the vehicle you want to buy is in good condition. We ensure vehicles are safe and in full working order to help you protect your investment, and we can also value cars to check whether the asking price is fair. More importantly, we come to you wherever you are in Brisbane because we understand that it’s not always possible to take a vehicle that you don’t own to the garage. If you need pre sale testing for cars in Brisbane, there’s no better company to contact than us.

Pre Sale Testing for Prestigious Cars in Brisbane
At Brisbane Mobile Roadworthy Pre-Inspections & valuations, focus on checking muscle cars, prestigious vehicles, and sports cars, but thanks to having over two decades of experience, we’re able to carry out inspections on just about any vehicle, including boats and trailers. However, if you want to risk purchasing a prestigious sports car without an inspection, you should check the following things at the minimum.

Look out for rusty parts – It’s worth checking the engine to ensure all its components show no signs of degradation.
Check the upholstery – While ripped upholstery only indicates an aesthetic issue, it also may mean you could be paying too much.
Leak test – Park the vehicle on a clear patch of ground for 30 seconds before moving it to check for any signs of leakages.
Check the brakes – Take the car for a test drive and ensure the brakes and steering are both sharp and responsive.
Let Our Professionals Help You Secure Peace of Mind

The best way to ensure a used vehicle is in full working order and priced fairly is to contact our professionals for pre sale testing for sports cars in Brisbane. We will check every nook and cranny to make sure that everything’s in top condition, so contact us today to arrange a time for us to come to you.
